
In The Hall

Linda’s looking for you, Brown said. Fuck Linda, I said. Brown laughed. I wouldn’t mind, he said. She’s more trouble than she’s worth, I said. She has the best jugs on the base, Brown said. True, I agreed. I can’t for the life of me figure out why she’s looking for you, Brown said. She wants to tell me how many ways and times I’ve disappointed her in the last twenty - four hours, I said. If drinking's the problem drink a little less, Brown said, laughed and popped open a beer. Want one? He asked.


  1. "if drinking is the problem drink a little less"

    I recognize that lyric. and can hear it sung sweetly and softly, but I can't place the singer or the song. dammit. tell me.

  2. okay - I figured it out.
    paul kelly
