

my recording studio was across the lake from my house
i drove my speed boat to work everyday
whether i had anything to do or not
producing records is a lazy man's job
even if you work hard at it and
i did
do you mind if i smoke
i bought my first boat with money i made
working for charley rich
in the early seventies
i loved that boat
it was a hell of a time and
rich was a hell of a guy
a prick sometimes
but who isn’t and
man that boy could sing
like a male patsy cline
truthfully not that good but who can compete
with the best singer there ever was
i would have paid her to let me produce her record
i couldn’t have fucked it up
she turned owen bradley into a genius and
what else has he done
i'm kidding of course
it doesn't get any better than
coal miner's daughter
and his brother harold
was a really fine guitar player
is there anything to drink around here
waylon jennings changed the way country music was recorded
before waylon everybody used session musicians
it was easier back then
you knew what drugs to bring
all the players were old friends
they weren’t invested in the product
it was just a job
waylon learned how to record music from chet atkins
a master if there ever was
he hooked up with tompall glaser and
they recorded honky tonk heroes
in tompall’s studio
with waylon’s road band
ten billy joe shaver songs
fucked everything up
in a good way i guess but
i miss charley rich
all the money and girls
i still have the boat or a new one
some guitars a bunch of gold records
a grammy or two a grand piano
i still play once in awhile and
i get by on royalties and reputation
all the good ones are about half good
including myself
waylon’s a notch and a half above that
so just cause he can do it
doesn't mean that everyone else can and
that’s where i step in
tanya tucker called last week
and told me that she always appreciated the way
i arranged her songs
said that we should get together
back when she was fifteen i took her out on the lake
she’s older now more mature
but back then
she was a hell cat and
i was the best lion tamer in the world

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