
Last Jump

I stood on the runway hating the Army
Myself and life in general
Wondering why we couldn’t wait on the plane
It wouldn’t have mattered

I grew up in Phoenix and
Thought the desert would be warm in the spring
I didn’t bring a jacket
It’s a different desert in West Texas

The plane seemed even colder

The guy sitting next to me had a blanket
Half way to Florida he offered to share it
It helped but wasn't enough

We dumped the Ranger students in a swamp
Landed at an Air Force base
Got off the plane and stood on the runway and waited
For the plane to be gassed up
It was cold there too

When we were back in the air
The jump master asked me if I wanted to jump into Benning
I said
Why not
He tossed me a chute and as soon as I had it on and inspected
I got sick
I wanted to lie down
For half an hour I sat and hoped that I could get out the door
Before I puked in front of the rangers
It was a close call but
I made it

As soon as I jumped
I felt better for thirty seconds
And than I landed but those thirty seconds
Were pretty cool

Like finding money
In your pocket
When you're doing laundry and
You think you're broke
You need cigarettes and
You want to get drunk


At least

1 comment:

  1. I would like to confess that yesterday's after-lunch grande latte may have contributed to black Monday... sorry!

    Is this a "fake" story?
