
Bluesman : John Lee Hooker

I never made it to Paris
my father said there's a war they're not sending you to Germany
I wasn't that surprised and only a little disappointed
I thought I could go to Paris after my hitch
when my foot was blown off and my arm mangled I laid on the ground and laughed
I smelled rain
it wasn't raining
I don't know if it ever did
Cooper ran up and gave me some morphine and said you're lucky Dude
call me lucky then I said
I wasn't much good to the Army with a limp and a worthless left arm so I was discharged and a little lucky I guess and returned to my hometown and laid around my dad's house drinking beer and smoking dope and reading books about World War II
my favorite was Some Came Running
my dad said you should go out
I said where would I go
take your girlfriend to a movie he said
she isn't my girlfriend anymore I said
give her a chance my dad said
she doesn't know I'm home and I thought you didn't like her anymore I said and thought I might and listened to my dad tune his guitar and play a song about a train
you could join in my dad said
I don't play anymore I said
before I was hit all I thought about was walking up to Kathy in my uniform although she probably wouldn't be impressed by an Army uniform and telling her about my great adventure
the night before I left for basic I took Kathy to the half-finished house I helped her dad build in the woods by the river
she said guys like your friend Jerry join the Army and you are nothing like him
I said maybe I'm more like him than you know
maybe you are she said can you smell the rain she asked
yeah I said
I hope it pours she said
it was the end of summer and dark
I couldn't see the trees but I heard them moving
take me home she said and I thought I'll write her a letter tomorrow on the plane and tell her why I did all the shit I did that she didn't understand

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