

When Tony got wasted in Pedro
I was wasted in New River

Listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd
In Randy's pickup

Almost flying off the road
Into a sandwall

With my brother
And a dickhead named Jack

Who stole my hash

When Tony got wasted in Pedro
I took Jenny for a walk

In a river of sand
I sang the Silver Tongued Devil

When Tony got wasted in Pedro
I moved a pile of junk
Around the backyard
'Cause my dad's an asshole

When Tony got wasted in Pedro
And thought I'm going to be famous

When Tony got wasted in Pedro
Pete and Joe and Mark and I

Sat on a boulder

At the base of Black Mountain
And passed a bottle of five dollar a liter Vodka around

When Tony got wasted in Pedro
Truth be told

I'm not sure what I was doing

'Cause I don't know when

Tony got wasted in Pedro

I didn't hear about it
Until I got out of the Army
And started buying punk rock records

When Tony got wasted in Pedro
When Tony got wasted in Pedro
When Tony got wasted in Pedro

I don't know where I was
I don't know where I was
I don't know where I was

If you can sing this song
In under a minute
I will give you a buck

Two chords
And a cloud of dust

Any two chords
Will do

And you're a songwriter
